December 27, 2004 COLOURED.
guess what... i didnt buy my mp3 player or ps2... and best of all went to queensway hoping to get shoes end up going home empty-handed... dun get too caught up with the materialistic world la, go bury my head in the monastery studying zen and peace~
on the day where i am supposed to get my stuff, i thought actually its a waste of money... ps2 absolutely no time to play with the navy commitment and furthermore maplestory + learn-to-play-warcraft = where got time... even though if i want to play can play la, but must use my online connection, never use very wasted... somemore movies i keep downloading still haben watch yet...
the mp3 player is really based on impulse thinking... after wat the course commander said he allowed mp3 players to be brought in, my mind was all about zen micro zen micro and zen micros... but thinking about how i dun have so much music files for me to listen to unlike a certain individual... having a mp3 player is just for showing off to ur frens that u are a techie...
the worst is the shoes la, i really need to get a pair of decent shoes for going out... but i walk one big round see all the shops liao still cannot find something which i really really fancy... the more famous brands have either dull designs or too ex... too ex is in the hundred range... i was looking for around 50s range... saw one which i like. duno what shit brand was it, it had a letter M on the shoe but forget the name liao... saw some designs which is to my fancy but the shoes so damn heavy... machiam walking with weights...
so what i got myself for christmas was a lvl 30 fighter (YES!, i finally managed to get to lvl 30 liao, but still dun see how strong is it though) and watching some episodes of BLEACH... other than that, everything's pretty much the same...
tried to make my life a bit happening but it doesnt seems to be working... so whatever la, dun blame me for having a boring life, i tried okay, just tt ppl cant be bothered... so the hell with them la... LOL im just glad i am not the only one around, seems that there are people out there who like solitude as well... dun like to go out to town meet friends and do things, sick of all the plastic faces everywhere... everytime i go orchard i always feel suffocated there... its not a good feeling to act unnatural just to be at ease n fit in with the surroundings...
so to all the homies out there and of cos to her, merry christmas!
2:04 AM
December 26, 2004 COLOURED.
what could make the unbreakable honggy tire out in less than 5 minutes? if ur answer is making love, obviously u underestimated the hongness... the correct answer is treading water wearing coveralls...
i thought there isnt not much difference between treading water with n without coveralls... the first 2 minutes was survivable... after that the legs suddenly like no more strength to move liao, then the body keep going downwards, lungs expanding n contracting rapidly, u can say i was panicking moving my hands, desperately trying to stay afloat... really struggling to stay above water after 3 minutes, head going down once already... somemore the stupid people beside me keep moving the waves towards me, very hard to control the waves leh... end up my timing to inhale n exhale all wrong then started drinking water liao... i really buay tahan liao cos my legs really not responding to what my brain wants it to do ---- keep kicking!!! bo bian i quickly went to grab the side to rest, by then the instructor said 4 minutes has past... SHIT
when i climb out of the pool, i feel like i have been smoking since the day i was born... my lungs really working very hard throughout, and really like that corrs song... GO ON, GO ON, LEAVE ME BREATHLESS~... super shagged, after some time of rest i was still trying to catch my breath sia... then i thought all over liao after the instructor told us to rest for a while... end up have to go for a second round, WTFFFFFF!!!!
this time he wants us to hold on for 6 minutes... decided to stay for 6 minutes even though i already cant endure for 5 minutes previously... i guess everythings in the head la, see the fatso can survive that 5 minutes, i dun see why i cannot... this time i decided to move further away from the side of the pool to minimise the occurence of waves coming my direction... i also started kicking less and focusing more on the hands to stay alive... after 1 minute, that feeling on the lungs started coming back again... luckily this time i did manage to pass the 5 minute mark, then i was hovering very close to the side so that i can go and rest becos really buay dong liao... finally the 6minute mark was announced then i just let my body sink in for a while before pushing myself up... actually i play cheat a little la, tilted my head backwards for awhile when i cannot tahan, and my head went inside the water once... actually a lot also cheated, most were tilting their heads backwards when they feel tired... my biggest worry for the swimming test previously was taking off n making bubbles, now looks like i have to worry about the treading part... if heng heng can finish the 5 minutes i wonder i still got energy to go take off the coveralls while still inside the water or not... its a potential drowning case once u try to take off the coveralls and end up getting stuck...
going for some training on monday as well as catching some sun before i head back to my navy... walking is hell after just 10 minutes of treading... i was wondering in case i have to jump ship one day, why would i bother tiring myself out just to stay alive for 10 more minutes... wouldnt it be better to just let go and sink while thinking which mermaid u would meet very soon... anyway, just pray that the life vest hasnt expired yet...
1:51 AM
December 23, 2004 COLOURED.
i thought there would be some nice activities for this xmas period, end up kena all busy or caught up with army stuff... see la, told u liao, navy is the best... lol looks like there is no late night with od friends or whatever, left only the navy, but i never mingle with them much leh... somemore tml night has to go auntie house go eat...
u know they ask u why u wan to join the navy during the inerview... some of the things i tink i talk cock one... my actual reasons for joining are
Why Join Navy?
1. the money
2. no nd stress over job for next few yrs
3. uniform (i actually said this during the interview)
4. no more mud
money is always a problem ppl face every now and then... peek into my frens' bank accounts while withdrawing money their reserves always so little... actually no nd peek also know, everytime commenting about left a few dollars, less than hundred in bank and such... its no surprise seeing how they spend their money, once theres some cash flowing in, it will flow out very soon... go out with them go n make something only end up going to town walk walk to buy this, then see another shop end up buy something else... like that spend cfm the bank acc no money 1 mah...
i join becos i want to start preparing for my retirement... lol, maybe talking of retirement at age 20 is a bit too young la, i lazy to work everyday until u how old, 60 70 still working becos no work = no money to pay this pay that... the faster u get money, the faster u get to retire and play games everyday instead of work... if i still like playing games at that point of time loh...
i decided to give my mother 1k every month once my pay starts coming in like pigs dropping from the sky... i reckon 1k is enough to force her to retire within a few years so she can buy all the groceries n toiletries she wants... ppl with bad backs shouldnt work at all... actually she serves as my backup savings plan... if i am not wrong, she wun be spending the money much, instead she will save up the money for something BIG for me... something big as in future marriage, duno whether its a bane or boon... but judging from the current situation, i have already lost the feeling of love a long time ago... so most prolly tt lump sum is going to my pockets :D but if she suay suay go n use it for her own also never mind la, the most just treat it as repaying of debt... all the toys, books, education that she pays for me, i will pay back... but the main priority is still to get her stop working completely and just stay home nua...
another $100 set aside for internet n phone bills, maybe a further $50 for cable tv perhaps... lol extreme hubber, everything i use all starhub one... but tt cable tv may not be in the near future... only when i feel i super rich then get... $100 for transport provided i dun flag cabs everytime i go out, it should be more than sufficient... $200 for entertainment... and the remainder going to the bank... duno how much will be in the reserves... have to test run for 3 months then see, as long as it is growing monthly instead of shrinking can liao... i think end up the savings will be 1 to 2 hundred monthly only... just have to look forward to bonuses ba, lol civil servants usually get lots... go PAP! (okay i admit i am gay to suport PAP)
11:06 PM
December 22, 2004 COLOURED.
come xmas day, i may get myself either a PS2 or a Zen Micro... lol buying parts to upgrade PC next year... tts what u get when u have too much money on ur hands and for others calling u a fool for signing on... =D
11:20 PM
its such a damn big difference between 3m and 5m... jump from 3m wun feel like gay leh... the butt not pain pain one... just a mere 2m difference already so big thing liao... cant imagine my friend who jump 10m before when he was young... his asshole must have been ripped off, no wonder he never suffer from constipation one...
managed to pass the first swimming test la, no need to wear coverall can survive but the legs tired from all that treading.. when wear coverall tt time sure struggle... but die die must pass, otherwise must every morning 0530 go swimming pool for swimming lessons sia, balls sure shrink de! :(
at bmt do push ups all no kick de, maybe some can feel aching or wat la, but i always no feeling one leh, too seasoned liao... but come to navy liao hor, recently do until my shoulders start to ache le... no thanks to the PTI's every 5 step do 5 pushup around the swimming pool... really damn shiok man tt one, and oso the crazy 50 counts of 4 alternate leg thrusts yesterday, make me cant stand still properly at all, try to keep myself straight end up my knees both trembling, very jialat... even though we hate them for giving us these type of punishment... like so inhuman like that, bmt also never give so much for exercises... but as long as u treat him as ur free personal trainer, u will be more than willing to do la... the ones to benefit is us, not them... i feel i am beginning to get into shape liao, the navy food very nice sia even better than army one, everytime during lunch i will eat finish everything on my plate unlike at army where i always have 1/4 throw away one... the only thing i need to improve now is my chest only la, now look like pancake sia, so flattened compare to my arms... pushups must do across one next time liao, enough on hands...
it seems that u dun need to mingle with the crowd to be noticed... throughout the week n a half spent at the navy, i always sat at one corner resting instead of joining the small groups of people conversing cockanathans to one another... but already two have asked me i last time bodybuilder one ah, and another one today ask me so fit still need to fall out meh during the live run when i lan lan say i wan to fall out... i was laughing secretly when they said abt the body builder one... lol, i am not that big size enuf like governator arnold swatchchernigga la... now is POW size they still think well-defined... but i have been watching the seasoned divers whenever possible, their bodies is what i am after...
actually one of the few reasons why i wan to join navy is becos i wan to slack la, but see the divers' bodies i very gian leh... my motto in training is always no use envy guys with good bodies, might as well let others be the ones admiring u... so i decided to work hard to get a diver's body! give me pain, make me sweat... die die must beat tt PTI in the next few live runs... lose to him very dulan...
2005 resolution:
die die must hit 70kg of mass muscle
die die ippt must get gold
die die must win PTI in everything
die die cannot let ppl look down upon
die die must let ppl be shameful of their bods
and theres something i noticed about the divers... their legs all hairless one leh... if majority then still okay la, but then i see so many ah, all is hairless one, i never see any diver wif leg hair one loh... the water so useful in hair removal one meh? like that i also want to try liao...
oh ya, next week i will not be coming out every day liao, must stay inside weekly... and their bunk machiam like changi prison... the conditions so jialat, feels like living in the 60s when ppl were living in squatters... the room of 4 so small and the bed no spring one... is those thin thin layer of sponge type... really like living in jail like that that... the only difference is others cant visit us and we have to go out to visit them...
ps: if i am a ger who looks like BoA yet i have a bodybuilder's body and who went for NS, then wouldnt that make me jojo sinclair???? imagine BoA in triple h's body... GROSS!
10:38 PM
December 19, 2004 COLOURED.
if i was indecisive whether my sexual preference is guys or gals then, what happened on friday plays an important factor in my final decision...
we went for some swimming in the afternoon and had a mini competition... the groups that lost had to go up the 5m platform for a jump... but it doesnt really matter if u win or lose because end up all have to go up and jump...
from there jump down is roughly less than 2 seconds but while u are falling it seems like milliseconds only sia... jump liao blink ur eyes then the next thing u see is inside the water liao... no chance to slowly admire the good scenery on top loh... lucky my batch no one got height phobia, all managed to jump successfully although some hestitate for a while, prefering to let others go first before they become the last ones to go... i thought it would be scary looking down from the top but it doesnt look so far away from the water...
the moment i hit the waters, i felt a pain in my asshole... like kena ass fucked like that, super sensation! almost everyone also have the same experience with me, everyone climb out of the swimming pool, the first thing they do is to clutch their ass moaning away... lol, dun understand whats so nice being gay when its so painful being screwed from the back...
they say u wun know ur sexual orientation until u enter NS becos thats the time when u get to see a lot of guys naked daily... i admit that was quite true, spent my time observing ppl butts while in bmt and ogling at the divers during my stay at the navy... but i knew i was straight the moment i saw my officer and of course that jump... the officer in charge of us was female... she dun look her age, looks like in her early thirties when she is actually in her mid twenties... gers all like to hear ppl comment about their age being younger than they really are by appearance... cos it makes them feel young n happy ba... so duno how many times she has been pissed off la since almost everyone in my batch thinks she is 30 something...
why would i become straight when i meet a lady who looks so old? maybe shes different from the rest of the gers, womanly yet unwomanly at the same time... duno how to explain in depth la, she seems to know a man's mindset very well... she knows what men want and what men usually discuss about, and the biggest plus is shes quite open-minded... like the time when we went for fitting of clothes, telling us no need to go and wait for ppl to come out of changing room, can change right outside in front of her... and the way she speaks her english is so cute, i thought i only like gers who speak english with elegance but gers who cant speak english properly also quite fascinating sia... everyone is making fun of her whenever she says the word "problem"... cant be blame esp when she uses that "problem" word way too often... even her name also very cute sia, like those small mei mei names pattern 1...
actually the pain we experienced on the asshole cant be compared to one guy who didnt hit the water with his butt... he landed forward instead of backwards so his front body very chio, red red all over... and we were praying for his balls hoping it wun crack after what the impact has done to our butts...
word of advice for all potential gays out there, dun become 1 la, if u really like guys so much, then at the very least u should be the one making ppl feel the pain instead of the opposite =X
8:02 PM
December 14, 2004 COLOURED.
first day nothing to do... 2nd day make me sweat like never b4!!!
the instructors gave us the NDU version of physical training and all of us are shagged early in the morning... very long never sweat until like pig like that during physical training sia... bmt excercises really too little variety liao... then everyone now all super siansation becos they thought navy would be quite slack... end up give us this training... but the old birds say this one is once in a while then will tio one, most of the time is really spent on expanding waist line...
too long never do excercises, everyone all nua nua, and that training is only a teeny weeny bit of wat the NDU guys are doing... so u know la, those NDU ppl is super fit manz, respect! today never got the chance to swim swim leh, was busy trying out the sizes of my new stores, only half of the group was swimming... i scared their swimming test sia, must wear clothes swim and then take off inside the water, sounds hard loh... never received professional swimming lessons b4 so those survival swimming all that i dunno 1... see how la, think i am not the only one who will have problems...
10:10 PM
December 13, 2004 COLOURED.
first day today at navy.... and i think life is going to get interesting as days go by... lol see everyone so bwah long long taking their own sweet time seems funny... even though now no rank but then we already start to behave like sergeants like that, all lan lan do this do that... lol but its still early days yet la... today also never really do anything... tml start SWIMMING liao, YESHHHH!
11:17 PM
December 12, 2004 COLOURED.
 my record of the year!
Franz Ferdinand - Franz Ferdinand (Domino)
release date: 9 February 2004
1. Jacqueline
2. Tell Her Tonight
3. Take Me Out
4. Matinee
5. Auf Acshe
6. Cheating On You
7. This Fire
8. Darts Of Pleasure
9. Michael
10. Come On Home
11. 40 ft
forget abt U2, they are not the greatest band, and their latest album is nothing to crow about... franz ferdinand is the new band to reckon with... pity i only picked it up last week after reading magazine reviews... didnt know they are that big in the UK... sg really should stop playing black music and start flooding the airwaves with franz ferdinand's songs
3:25 PM
my life... as i know it
no la, not boa... its me...
knowing me for 1 year or 2 years or even 10 years is not going to make a difference... you might know whats my characteristics but you never know what i am thinking... maybe u can find some explanations as to why i am like this or like that or like this and like that at the same time sometimes, once in a while time, everytime...
was borned 21 Oct 1984 at the same hospital which most sg babies were... KK Hospital... cant remember if its was morning or afternoon or night... just born how u even remember u are born sia, like the moment u pop out u already know ur name ur ic number all that meh... but my birth cert states its at 0924hrs... prematured... i love to emphasized on that word... it is a good excuse for explaining why i was small size last time... another main reason was if i came out at my expected date... i would have been a scorpio for sure...
i always thought being a libra sucks... i mean the rest of the signs are all either humans or animals and libras is the only non living thing... and libras really cant make up their minds... my favorite words are "duno duno" and "anything loh", so i can be described as some green vegetable(chin chye) person who seems to have no problems with any suggestions whatsoever... actually sometimes i do have my reservations about their so-called "good" ideas, but most of the time i just sit back and watch them execute their plan... the answer is simple, i dun like to argue with people... becos i know i always lose in arguments even though i may be right... so i prefer to save time by watching them do what they thought was right... then after some time of fiddling around, they realised they were wrong... i will act "oh lets try another way loh" while inside i will be like "c la c la, act smart fail liao la"...
cant remember the early years of my life really... no one remembers what they did on their first day one wat... give them something to say for the first 365days they spent on earth they also cant think of any unless got some video taping la... then can see crawling around, crying, having ur underwear changed in front of the cameras, shooting porn back in the heydays when u are young and really oblivious to how bad the world really is... i mean do u see movies with scenes of people bathing without any blurred glass or shower screen or whatever cover they have got...
[My Take on Porn]
home videos are porn videos... why? becos it has a tape specially labelled "baby's first bath"... a porn tape is one with all the sex n no storyline... a nude movie is one with nude ppl with storyline... a tape titled "baby's first bath" showing a baby being bathed throughout the whole tape is the one with the nudity and no storyline... it is pointed out that some additional hands other than the baby's own was touching the baby's body... hence we can safely come to the conclusion that home videos are really porn and parents should be arrested for being child paedophiles... they are just acting to be doting parents when in fact they feel very aroused touching them... laws on babies bathing on their own should be passed asap...
[Me and my Snoopy]
i dun really know the details to be honest... but what my mother says, i believe... snoopy was given to me on my month old celebration or something... it was still a he then... later on he starts to become a she when instead of wearing shirts, he (or she whichever u prefer) started wearing blouses, dresses which my mother made specially for lovely snoopy... so from being handsome to getting prettier by the day... thats how snoopy has a female voice... yesh, snoopy does talk ok, so do all the soft toys in my room... thank goodness i duno how to talk when i was born, otherwise snoopy would sound extremely gay now...
all i can remember up to my days of kindergarten was i am quite a frequent bed wetter... not becos of stress or what, at night i just cant seem to differentiate between urine in dreams and urinating for real... i was quite a slow learner... only learned how to walk at the age of 2 when the rest are already starting to do it at 1... according to my mother i was happily crawling around at 1 and not fond of walking at all... that explains my weak legs during childhood...
life in kindergarten was pretty forgetful becos i cant remember any special incidents... all i know is i love the playground alot... nothing brightens up my day like the playground does... like the slides, extremely hate the swings... always want to cry whenever they put me on a swing... love the bulldozers too, dun ask me why, i like watching them at work, always look very real to me, like humans like that... heck even my young cousin also likes to watch the bulldozers...
and i was scared of gorillas after seeing some pictures of them... my mind tells me gorillas are hiding inside the storeroom then i die die dun wan to go inside when my mother told me to get something from there... GOT GORILLA LA... and she thought i was crazy... scared of gorillas yet like dinosaurs... maybe i am crazy...
hated going to primary school on the first day... i guess every kid hates going to school... some were crying, some were busy finding their parents, some were busy making fun of the crybabies... me i was just waiting for the bell to ring... watching the parents worry so much is my first experience on how kiasu we really are... then still got the body checkup... the nurse say there was something wrong with my body la... you wun know what that bloody problem is unless u are super duper close to me... the injections was pretty... interesting... most were crying, some wanted more injections... im just glad mine was over...
throughout my primary school i didnt eat proper meals during recess, always spending whatever money on biscuits or fish balls or hot dogs or cheap ice-cream... explains why i was thin then, got fast food i only eat the fires and the nuggets... never touched the burgers until i was in secondary school (FACT)... i wasnt given sufficient money for proper meals in reality, always saved a few cents for the seaweed on my way home... =D
life in primary school was kinda fun... playing catching and pepsi cola 123 almost everyday with 3 other guys... got a lot of bruises and cuts on my legs becos of the excessive running... falling down seems to be normal back then... other than all the running, we were having fun at the ecogarden, and looking at tadpoles from puddles of water around... now look around for tadpole so hard to find, last time any puddle of water sure got eggs n tadpoles...
ecogarden was fun becos the chicken is fun, give chicken anything to eat, chicken oso eat... eat grass, eat flower, eat whatever things we can find in the ecogarden... no wonder the chickens always die fast in our school... and the lovely pond... always arguing among ourselves abt the insects on the surface on the water... some say it was the pondskaters, some say its water spiders, some say its the water boatman... that was during the early years when the teachers made some efforts to bring the ecogarden to life... but i think they soon got sick of chickens and rabbits dying fast, the pond started to have no life anymore (no more living things can be seen on the pond), the flowers all uprooted... that is when school started to get boring, ok except for 1 incident i always remember...
[The Pond Incident]
following the death of the ecogarden, we still go there for fun, searching hard for any signs of life coming out from the muddy waters of the pond... we were looking at the pond and wonder how deep it really was... it just so happened there was a action babi guy down there who for no reason says its not very deep la... and to make his point, he put his hand inside the muddy waters and reached downwards, hoping to touch the bottom... i think he was the only one who dun mind his hands getting dirtied or what... so he reached but he couldnt touch the bottom, so he leaned closer and closer until his centre of gravity shifted towards the direction of the pond and you know what happen la, people heard a loud splash and i see a muddied boy... i can never forget the way he fell so nicely into the pond la, it was so picture perfect... but i never figured out what he was trying to show by placing his arm into the waters... all he got was people laughing at him and he had to go changed new uniform... like cock like that...
i told my mother i like someone on my first year of primary school, but that someone changed to another one soon... and it was pretty fortunate that we managed to be in the same class throughout the 6 years, yet we never spoke a word to each other... a fatty used to fight with me over her, and he was making claims which sounded funny now... i saw the fatty again during my poly years, looked the same as ever, fat n bald... pretty typical of a rich man's son eh... my class has a lot of the childish love triangles, squares, hexagons all that... basically we dun hold back when asked who we like... so the whole class knows u like her and he like her the stuff... it was good becos the whole class will help to set a guy n a ger together... it was fun, but no so fun when u are the one being set up ---- i was made to sit with her for 1 whole year... during that year u can say i was smiling happily throughout but there was a minor problem la... we are still not talking....
[The Call]
the teacher called someone in our class and wanted us to pass on the message abt sth... i would have expected my 2 great malay friends to call but then it was her loh... the cat call caught me by surprise... i can hear my own heart beating just by hearing her voice... so far hor, i can onli hear my own heart beating in front of loud speaker systems nia... so she must be some 7.1 surround sound system ba...
rewind rewind rewind to primary 2...
[Crying Publicly]
was a quiet person throughout school la, only made few friends here n there only, not alot... studies was okay, not say very hard leh... then seldom make mistakes no need to do corrections.... then the primary 2 stupiud maths teacher... workbook got 1 mistake then have to do correction... dun know how to do correction properly then kena scolded... do nice nice liao then say why use the paper so small, use bigger one la... first time being told off so jialat sey, end up got tears coming out from my eyes... and i grew to hate her, because she's the one who scolded me... lame right, when u are young, u are that lame la...
moving on to primary 3...
[Early Signs of a Sinner]
got really good at maths because maths seems so easy... only have a few problems with division but other than that the rest was perfect... and my maths test for that year i got full marks for it... perhaps the only paper in my history i scored full marks... actually it wasnt perfect... when the teacher went through with the answers, one of my answers is wrong but kena marked right... i never notice it la, when u get full marks u wun give a shit right... it was some kuku friend of mine who want to see which questions he got wrong when he found out the human error... he told me about it and i say later i will go and tell the teacher abt it loh... so i did what i am supposed to do, hand up the papers without informing the teacher of the error... see so young already so bad liao right... integrity counts for nothing in this world la...
[The Eraser Fights]
during lessons u are not supposed to talk, so what can u do? play with erasers with the one sitting beside u loh... dunno how many erasers i accumulated over the years just by peering down at the floor, see any eraser i just take and go play with my friend liao...
[Changed Identity]
i was known by my chinese name during the first 3 yrs and i dun really have any problems with it... ppl only started to know my english name at the 4th yr when my form teacher was an indian and she cant pronounce chinese names properly la... i kinda flourished under her becos i get the most attention from her mainly for 2 reasons... suffered from chickenpox tt yr and was missing 2 weeks of sch... then my studies suffered la, esp maths when they were learning fractions... another reason was just b4 the 4th yr i have an operation that changed the way i am supposed to be... learn alot under her and got to represent the class for maths quizzes and shit... win 2nd prize for the first quiz and got 1st for mental sum competition... my only achievements worth boasting about really...
[Jokers are Born n Bred]
i guess everyone has a funny side in them, they just need someone to help them unlock the funniness inside of them... i met mine in primary 5... ommar n amin... already knew ommar since pri 2 and he was quite fun to be with... but it wasnt until pri 5 when we got closer together with amin... we joked our remaining time away... talking and laughing over the phone for hours like he was my girlfriemd... the only difference is no mushy mushy was exchanged... we are the tripod, always using each other to self motivate, see who has the highest test scores, see who can run the fastest... and amin always wins... it was just ommar n me competing amongst each other while he was in his own league...
then the good old days were gone and we have to go to new secondary schools... ommar n i went to swiss while amin got that commonwealth... the cat got to commonwealth too... then too bad la, not in the same class and i was lonely again...
[Start of Something BitterSweet]
secondary schools are dumb becos they require u to have at least an ECA, they just want to keep u during saturdays... seeing that being a scout during primary sch was cool, i wanted to be one too in secondary school... (i wasnt a scout in pri sch, i was in the arts club which is very WTF)... after going thru the orientation phase, i realised being a scout in the secondary school was quite childish... wanted to join NCC but swiss is so extra NCC is air one, dun have land... i thought a green uniform was pretty cool then... so with no ECA to join, i find my ommar la, he joining the NPCC, i dun realli like la, but i just sign my name there becos theres no other ECA liao... little did i realise i have joined the gang of crazy people...
[The Life of Being a Nerd n Styled Armani]
its cool becos no one will bother u since --- u are a nerd... but still got make some friends here and there la... although majority is those who joined the npcc as well... it wasnt until sec 4 when i cut my hair to the then common armani cum spiky hairdo that i realised some juniors actually know who i am... shit, sometimes walk past lower sec ppl then they are like crying for help from some guy bully... i dun even know who are they and yet they know my name, wtf... but those are the days of being cool...
[Life in NPCC]
when training starts getting unreasonable, people starts going crazy... i wasnt really a part of them being the fact that i join just becos there is no other ECA liao... only became crazy in sec 3 when everyone else in the squad is crazy liao except for me... it was fun singing all the stupid songs and the song abt the St Johns... doing drills like birdshit, polishing boots like ur life is depending on it, seasoning the beret until u develop sleeping problems... doing more pushups than wat u will receive during ur national service... life is fucked, but we always look forward to the end of the training where we get to play soccer and curse the trainers... its funny thinking how i joined NPCC reluctantly and ended up staying for 4 years while ommar left in the middle due to poor attendance... duno wat happen to him la, he wasnt too keen on studies anymore in secondary schools and his grades dropped... not sure what happened to him afterwards...
[Music is Life]
always listened to perfect 10 last time, know the pop songs with occasional some rock... liked oasis's some might say and green day's basket case... started to list oasis as favorite band after listening to their songs over n over... ventured into metal after meeting clarence the funny guy... sooon i started listening to slipknot and the rest... then jpop invasion hit us in 2000 and i was hooked on globe's departures... that song is still worth listening to today... but i guess the one big hit song which got more n more ppl into jpop was do as infinity's yesterday and today... together with careful advertising n timing, jpop fever has officially hit singapore... u know it when my japanese albums outnumber the english ones... and techno n trance came in later when someone start playing those so often in school that everyone was influenced...
secondary school was pretty forgetful, dun have any close friends really... after the O levels, i was deem good enough to go for the low end junior colleges... but i didnt join the crowd, i opted for a polytechnic... my parents are bemused by my decision but i think i made a good choice... im too slack for jc studies la, seeing how stressed my peers are while i was slacking away in poly is a pretty good feeling...
first started working after my o levels... working is really damn no life, wake up, eat, go work, come back, sleep... this routine carried on for 4 months... for the money for the money, its all about the money, who cares abt the treatment or no day off whatever... i worked enough during the 4months to pay for my poly studies... it was my proud moment in a way ba, the rest are paying through their parents while i am footing my own bills... one reason why i hated studying was the obscene cost... somemore it was after the government subsidisation... why are we paying so much for such fucked up lecturers who cant even speak English properly n clearly without any kuku accent...
got my piercings after my Os... c i am a good boy okay... i dun do thing illegally one loh, i am a law-abiding citizen... and i am not so lame to put fake ones to show off... pierced 2 at first but then close back soon enuf becos duno how to handle it properly... then 2nd time go back pierce i go pierce 4... long liao tink 4 looks weird then go and add another 2 more to the current 6...
started life anew in poly with no sec sch classmates doing the same course as me... harder to make new friends in poly becos CCA not compulsory ma, then lazy to join la, join liao must always stay very late in school to interact interact... quite fun la, but i dun like being in crowds la, i prefer solitude... so my only friends are those in my class one loh...
in poly, there was only one sport... and that is basketball, no one plays soccer at all leh, so many play basketball... end up all sian sian look at ppl play basketball, sometimes join them just to make the numbers only la, duno how to play just anyhow throw and made to look like idiots...
my mantra in poly was, the school fees is not for the lectures u attended, its for the network speed u are getting... ever since they have installed the cd writers to their workstations, i have been visiting the free access centres quite frequently... because last time i was still on dialup ma, so use the school internet to dl this, dl that on a writeable cd bring back home copy over... i cant be bothered with studies, attending lectures is just for attendance sake... the notes can always be downloaded online...
then there was the irc la... the usual u bluff me, i bluff you... it was fine as long as we dun meet and everyone was talking big, seeing who can brag until too fake... never believed in irc outings until i decided to go for one since one of them is just the one next class to me, might as well go together to test the waters... so there was when uchu sano n i and the rest met...
after finishing all the studies and going for attachment where i met a guy which drives everyone crazy including his own boss... not the type who is strikingly handsome or wat, is the type whose mannerism and actions can make someone jump from the raffles hotel... was my supervisor by name only, in reality it was his subordinate in charge of me which makes my life so much easier... it was quite formal initially, but once the ice has been broken, it became a u-help-me-i-help-u situation... so i was doing her work behind the boss's back while she was covering for me... in exchange for that, i got an A for my attachment.... =D hmm i oso did something for the company la, otherwise got nothing to show for the boss theres no way can get A 1 la...
and i guess u know by now what happened after that attachment to the day i got enlisted... slacking like mad, going running swimming n working out... my only regret was why i wasnt introduced to maplestory, i swear my level would have been very high by now...
going ns was an eye opener la, didnt get to like it as much as i would like to... got mild depression after the field camp... all the talk about platoon integrity is pretty bullshit la, individual section always keep things to themselves... passing of information always got problems... even section alone also got problems... selfish people everywhere, i am also abit selfish la to be honest... not a nice experience la, thats y i joined the navy... lol
erm sorry if its pretty long, i already shorten alot liao, especially the sec sch part onwards... thats y u see like abit unclear one...
3:16 PM
December 11, 2004 COLOURED.
the wonders of the panlid...
after playing maple story for quite a while, if you go channel 1 to buy some rare stuff from other players, you will find quite a lot are looking to buy panlids... there is freaking a lot of demand for it and it got to my curiosity... asked my friend whos a magician and he said its just a shield... i thought what can sell so expensive, then the stats must be very nice nice with + to many many things...
but something is wrong la, i checked the players' panlids... minimum requirement is only level 10, which means any kuku oso can wear loh... did more searching around the internet and realised something... it really is a crap item... WTF is ppl paying so much money for a +10 weapon defense... by expensive i mean they sell for at least 250k onwards for a +8, a +12 got ppl price it at 1.2million??? lol machiam like 100k for +1 defense... reallly crazy people those magicians...
how expensive is expensive?? say i can get a lvl 35 warrior one hand sword for 60k (average), a lvl35 warrrior shield for ard 100k+... ok, maybe the shield is only around 1/10 of the panlid's price... but a lvl35warrior shield has +35 def loh... if use the panlid to calculate, it would have cost like what? 4million? LOL totally insane la these people...
thats y i hate magicians in maple story, all no brain 1, what for get some stupid shield which offers virtually little or no protection at all for so much money... so the money eyes of mine will be hunting for the green mushrooms soon... they say only green shrooms drop panlids... once i have a high enuf defense i shall go chiong panlids liao... they say it is very hard for the shrooms to drop, thats why its so in demand... but hey, i restart playing until now lvl24, my money in total onli 200k+... imagine just getting one panlid is equivalent to the amount of mesos u have been picking off the ground for like 24 levels... maybe i should stop training and focus more on money making and trading...
1:09 PM
December 10, 2004 COLOURED.
its official! i am no longer with the army!~~~~~ YEAAAAAAHHHHHH
switching over to navy from next monday... yea i decided to sign with the navy... no more field camp, no more SOC, no more camo on camo off, no more freaking idiotic kevlar helmet and equally dumb looking SBO... everything goes into plan smoothly just the way i wanted it...
while others may think its dumb to be bounded for so long and a waste of time and no freedom bla bla bla bla bla... i dun have any problems with it actually becos of the fact that i dun have any plans at all after my national service... i dun intend to study and i know finding a job will be quite hard since what im studying will always be evolving... might as well start earning money like shit at this age instead of having to wait til what, 23, or 24 yrs old... the more money u saved earlier, the faster can retire and relac one corner...
and i can honestly say what im getting is way better than what i can get outside, maybe even better than some university graduates... thats the advantage of the civl service la, we always love to complain abt the government and now i am working for them liao...
life definitely wun be smooth sailing after crossing over to the navy... but lets just say it has given me renewed life.... just the thought of no more field camp makes me get excited... confirm still have to bear with the unreasonable scoldings, punishments, tasks and stuff... but heck, just endure with it and get the pay... u cant say the same while u are back at the mozzie infested island earning peanuts...
my cousin made quite an important pt about giving up 1 year of hardship in exchange for 10 years of suffering... to me, the years dun really matter at all... finish my service fast, no idea what to do after that... work as some salesman or office boy or just slack until bankrupt... might as well make full use of my time learning something new which might be useful in future...
9:31 PM
December 09, 2004 COLOURED.
 the amount of slimes i have killed... (note the sapphire n orihalcon ores) no wonder my nose so many slimes.... retribution
12:51 PM
 the axes, blue shorts n red skirts n white bandanas i got it from the slimes :D
12:50 PM
December 07, 2004 COLOURED.
i wun talk about what happened during my last week at tekong, saving all that stuff for next time when im better... what i will rant about is what happened right after my graduation parade... and it wasnt something very pleasant la... been having fever since friday until now loh...
everyone knows when u got fever, u start to feel very hot yet very cold at the same time right... so after that parade ended and i left for home with my father on the mrt... the super duper long 1 hour journey, and for no reason why the aircon seems freezingly cold, my smart 4 is wet from the sweating earlier on under the hot sun... add them up and u get a penguin wearing camoflauge clothes... once i reach home, my whole body feels like sahara desert liao... red skin dry and very hot...
eat panadol liao which made the fever subside a little but it came back soon enough... it has been going on for saturday, sunday, monday and today... the temperature has been hovering ard 37.5 n 38 onwards yet i didnt feel i am that hot leh, i thought quite normal temperature what when i feel my forehead... others feel all say very hot, must be my whole body hot then i use what to feel also will feel normal to me la... :X
the psat few days cant be compared to today la, today super power... went for navy interview in the morning, they said its a very fast and chop chop thing... what they never say was how "FAST" and how "CHOP CHOP" it was going to be... from 830 in the morning all the way until 530 in the evening... i thought the most it was just going to last 1 hour like that then can go and c doctor and play maplestory liao... i spent my time down there like working office hours like that... and their aircon over there is POWER... usually a small room only got 1 aircon right, they not happy go and add 1 more... somemore they turn on both of the aircons... i really duno how they can tahan the north pole temperatures... they are in their short sleeve uniforms, the gers are wearing even lesser than the guys (with their cardigans la)... recruitment centres really very evil, hire nice looking girls to recuit hot blooded males to join one... only the army brainless, hire the gers all have to wear the no4 look very gross and sluttish...
after spending about 9 hrs in the north pole, i came out with cough, flu and more fever... the worst is the flu, my nose becomes this sludge producer where my slime never seems to finish... and my eyeballs felt as heavy as lydia sum, wanting to close my eyes so often but cannot becos wait they say i not attentive then dun offer me contract...
finally i got to see the doctor liao, and i am abit scared by his actions leh... ppl are quite smart eh, they see any boy boy skin dark dark, botak botak, and wearing plastic framed glasses all know cfm is CHAO RECRUIT... the doctor like very gay like that... once i told him my problems he asked me to lift up my shirt for that stethoscope la, you could see the way he grinned when he was asking that question... very EEEEEEEEEe... so he gave me a few moments of feeling high by placing that stone cold stethoscope on my body... u know la, when ur body is very hot and touches something that is cold, that sensation makes u wanna moan or something like that? u know what i mean la... after tt one finish he keep asking me i got any more things to tell him or not... i said no then he ask me again.... i said no again and then he go and ask me again... i said no again and he say confirm no more things to bring up ah then he finally let me off... just what is he trying to do man, nothing means nothing la, what do u expect, want me to declare that i am gay and i have the hots for u ah thats why i got fever... -___-``
but that doctor really is someone... i am a pro cougher since oct 2003 til now and been visiting the same clinic every now and then yet somehow the doctors i saw are always different... the rest of the doctors never bother to read my history when i told them im coughing... but when i told this doctor i got flu cough n fever, he straightaway ask me i smoke a lot ah... i was a bit caught by surprise there la, i mean flu cough n fever is common and nobody wouldnt suspect anything else... but the question he asked goes to show he actually looked at my medical history records... usually i go clinic only once or twice a year for the usual fever... but for this clinic i have been visiting them quite often liao... and i think all of them is for cough related stuff... only twice including today is for fever... imagine how much money they have made out of me if every trip costs me at least $35... i ought to apply for some clinic member card liao...
oh yea, 1 more thing... MY SONGS ALL GONE!!! WWTFFFFFFF
10:18 PM
December 27, 2004 COLOURED.
guess what... i didnt buy my mp3 player or ps2... and best of all went to queensway hoping to get shoes end up going home empty-handed... dun get too caught up with the materialistic world la, go bury my head in the monastery studying zen and peace~
on the day where i am supposed to get my stuff, i thought actually its a waste of money... ps2 absolutely no time to play with the navy commitment and furthermore maplestory + learn-to-play-warcraft = where got time... even though if i want to play can play la, but must use my online connection, never use very wasted... somemore movies i keep downloading still haben watch yet...
the mp3 player is really based on impulse thinking... after wat the course commander said he allowed mp3 players to be brought in, my mind was all about zen micro zen micro and zen micros... but thinking about how i dun have so much music files for me to listen to unlike a certain individual... having a mp3 player is just for showing off to ur frens that u are a techie...
the worst is the shoes la, i really need to get a pair of decent shoes for going out... but i walk one big round see all the shops liao still cannot find something which i really really fancy... the more famous brands have either dull designs or too ex... too ex is in the hundred range... i was looking for around 50s range... saw one which i like. duno what shit brand was it, it had a letter M on the shoe but forget the name liao... saw some designs which is to my fancy but the shoes so damn heavy... machiam walking with weights...
so what i got myself for christmas was a lvl 30 fighter (YES!, i finally managed to get to lvl 30 liao, but still dun see how strong is it though) and watching some episodes of BLEACH... other than that, everything's pretty much the same...
tried to make my life a bit happening but it doesnt seems to be working... so whatever la, dun blame me for having a boring life, i tried okay, just tt ppl cant be bothered... so the hell with them la... LOL im just glad i am not the only one around, seems that there are people out there who like solitude as well... dun like to go out to town meet friends and do things, sick of all the plastic faces everywhere... everytime i go orchard i always feel suffocated there... its not a good feeling to act unnatural just to be at ease n fit in with the surroundings...
so to all the homies out there and of cos to her, merry christmas!
2:04 AM
December 26, 2004 COLOURED.
what could make the unbreakable honggy tire out in less than 5 minutes? if ur answer is making love, obviously u underestimated the hongness... the correct answer is treading water wearing coveralls...
i thought there isnt not much difference between treading water with n without coveralls... the first 2 minutes was survivable... after that the legs suddenly like no more strength to move liao, then the body keep going downwards, lungs expanding n contracting rapidly, u can say i was panicking moving my hands, desperately trying to stay afloat... really struggling to stay above water after 3 minutes, head going down once already... somemore the stupid people beside me keep moving the waves towards me, very hard to control the waves leh... end up my timing to inhale n exhale all wrong then started drinking water liao... i really buay tahan liao cos my legs really not responding to what my brain wants it to do ---- keep kicking!!! bo bian i quickly went to grab the side to rest, by then the instructor said 4 minutes has past... SHIT
when i climb out of the pool, i feel like i have been smoking since the day i was born... my lungs really working very hard throughout, and really like that corrs song... GO ON, GO ON, LEAVE ME BREATHLESS~... super shagged, after some time of rest i was still trying to catch my breath sia... then i thought all over liao after the instructor told us to rest for a while... end up have to go for a second round, WTFFFFFF!!!!
this time he wants us to hold on for 6 minutes... decided to stay for 6 minutes even though i already cant endure for 5 minutes previously... i guess everythings in the head la, see the fatso can survive that 5 minutes, i dun see why i cannot... this time i decided to move further away from the side of the pool to minimise the occurence of waves coming my direction... i also started kicking less and focusing more on the hands to stay alive... after 1 minute, that feeling on the lungs started coming back again... luckily this time i did manage to pass the 5 minute mark, then i was hovering very close to the side so that i can go and rest becos really buay dong liao... finally the 6minute mark was announced then i just let my body sink in for a while before pushing myself up... actually i play cheat a little la, tilted my head backwards for awhile when i cannot tahan, and my head went inside the water once... actually a lot also cheated, most were tilting their heads backwards when they feel tired... my biggest worry for the swimming test previously was taking off n making bubbles, now looks like i have to worry about the treading part... if heng heng can finish the 5 minutes i wonder i still got energy to go take off the coveralls while still inside the water or not... its a potential drowning case once u try to take off the coveralls and end up getting stuck...
going for some training on monday as well as catching some sun before i head back to my navy... walking is hell after just 10 minutes of treading... i was wondering in case i have to jump ship one day, why would i bother tiring myself out just to stay alive for 10 more minutes... wouldnt it be better to just let go and sink while thinking which mermaid u would meet very soon... anyway, just pray that the life vest hasnt expired yet...
1:51 AM
December 23, 2004 COLOURED.
i thought there would be some nice activities for this xmas period, end up kena all busy or caught up with army stuff... see la, told u liao, navy is the best... lol looks like there is no late night with od friends or whatever, left only the navy, but i never mingle with them much leh... somemore tml night has to go auntie house go eat...
u know they ask u why u wan to join the navy during the inerview... some of the things i tink i talk cock one... my actual reasons for joining are
Why Join Navy?
1. the money
2. no nd stress over job for next few yrs
3. uniform (i actually said this during the interview)
4. no more mud
money is always a problem ppl face every now and then... peek into my frens' bank accounts while withdrawing money their reserves always so little... actually no nd peek also know, everytime commenting about left a few dollars, less than hundred in bank and such... its no surprise seeing how they spend their money, once theres some cash flowing in, it will flow out very soon... go out with them go n make something only end up going to town walk walk to buy this, then see another shop end up buy something else... like that spend cfm the bank acc no money 1 mah...
i join becos i want to start preparing for my retirement... lol, maybe talking of retirement at age 20 is a bit too young la, i lazy to work everyday until u how old, 60 70 still working becos no work = no money to pay this pay that... the faster u get money, the faster u get to retire and play games everyday instead of work... if i still like playing games at that point of time loh...
i decided to give my mother 1k every month once my pay starts coming in like pigs dropping from the sky... i reckon 1k is enough to force her to retire within a few years so she can buy all the groceries n toiletries she wants... ppl with bad backs shouldnt work at all... actually she serves as my backup savings plan... if i am not wrong, she wun be spending the money much, instead she will save up the money for something BIG for me... something big as in future marriage, duno whether its a bane or boon... but judging from the current situation, i have already lost the feeling of love a long time ago... so most prolly tt lump sum is going to my pockets :D but if she suay suay go n use it for her own also never mind la, the most just treat it as repaying of debt... all the toys, books, education that she pays for me, i will pay back... but the main priority is still to get her stop working completely and just stay home nua...
another $100 set aside for internet n phone bills, maybe a further $50 for cable tv perhaps... lol extreme hubber, everything i use all starhub one... but tt cable tv may not be in the near future... only when i feel i super rich then get... $100 for transport provided i dun flag cabs everytime i go out, it should be more than sufficient... $200 for entertainment... and the remainder going to the bank... duno how much will be in the reserves... have to test run for 3 months then see, as long as it is growing monthly instead of shrinking can liao... i think end up the savings will be 1 to 2 hundred monthly only... just have to look forward to bonuses ba, lol civil servants usually get lots... go PAP! (okay i admit i am gay to suport PAP)
11:06 PM
December 22, 2004 COLOURED.
come xmas day, i may get myself either a PS2 or a Zen Micro... lol buying parts to upgrade PC next year... tts what u get when u have too much money on ur hands and for others calling u a fool for signing on... =D
11:20 PM
its such a damn big difference between 3m and 5m... jump from 3m wun feel like gay leh... the butt not pain pain one... just a mere 2m difference already so big thing liao... cant imagine my friend who jump 10m before when he was young... his asshole must have been ripped off, no wonder he never suffer from constipation one...
managed to pass the first swimming test la, no need to wear coverall can survive but the legs tired from all that treading.. when wear coverall tt time sure struggle... but die die must pass, otherwise must every morning 0530 go swimming pool for swimming lessons sia, balls sure shrink de! :(
at bmt do push ups all no kick de, maybe some can feel aching or wat la, but i always no feeling one leh, too seasoned liao... but come to navy liao hor, recently do until my shoulders start to ache le... no thanks to the PTI's every 5 step do 5 pushup around the swimming pool... really damn shiok man tt one, and oso the crazy 50 counts of 4 alternate leg thrusts yesterday, make me cant stand still properly at all, try to keep myself straight end up my knees both trembling, very jialat... even though we hate them for giving us these type of punishment... like so inhuman like that, bmt also never give so much for exercises... but as long as u treat him as ur free personal trainer, u will be more than willing to do la... the ones to benefit is us, not them... i feel i am beginning to get into shape liao, the navy food very nice sia even better than army one, everytime during lunch i will eat finish everything on my plate unlike at army where i always have 1/4 throw away one... the only thing i need to improve now is my chest only la, now look like pancake sia, so flattened compare to my arms... pushups must do across one next time liao, enough on hands...
it seems that u dun need to mingle with the crowd to be noticed... throughout the week n a half spent at the navy, i always sat at one corner resting instead of joining the small groups of people conversing cockanathans to one another... but already two have asked me i last time bodybuilder one ah, and another one today ask me so fit still need to fall out meh during the live run when i lan lan say i wan to fall out... i was laughing secretly when they said abt the body builder one... lol, i am not that big size enuf like governator arnold swatchchernigga la... now is POW size they still think well-defined... but i have been watching the seasoned divers whenever possible, their bodies is what i am after...
actually one of the few reasons why i wan to join navy is becos i wan to slack la, but see the divers' bodies i very gian leh... my motto in training is always no use envy guys with good bodies, might as well let others be the ones admiring u... so i decided to work hard to get a diver's body! give me pain, make me sweat... die die must beat tt PTI in the next few live runs... lose to him very dulan...
2005 resolution:
die die must hit 70kg of mass muscle
die die ippt must get gold
die die must win PTI in everything
die die cannot let ppl look down upon
die die must let ppl be shameful of their bods
and theres something i noticed about the divers... their legs all hairless one leh... if majority then still okay la, but then i see so many ah, all is hairless one, i never see any diver wif leg hair one loh... the water so useful in hair removal one meh? like that i also want to try liao...
oh ya, next week i will not be coming out every day liao, must stay inside weekly... and their bunk machiam like changi prison... the conditions so jialat, feels like living in the 60s when ppl were living in squatters... the room of 4 so small and the bed no spring one... is those thin thin layer of sponge type... really like living in jail like that that... the only difference is others cant visit us and we have to go out to visit them...
ps: if i am a ger who looks like BoA yet i have a bodybuilder's body and who went for NS, then wouldnt that make me jojo sinclair???? imagine BoA in triple h's body... GROSS!
10:38 PM
December 19, 2004 COLOURED.
if i was indecisive whether my sexual preference is guys or gals then, what happened on friday plays an important factor in my final decision...
we went for some swimming in the afternoon and had a mini competition... the groups that lost had to go up the 5m platform for a jump... but it doesnt really matter if u win or lose because end up all have to go up and jump...
from there jump down is roughly less than 2 seconds but while u are falling it seems like milliseconds only sia... jump liao blink ur eyes then the next thing u see is inside the water liao... no chance to slowly admire the good scenery on top loh... lucky my batch no one got height phobia, all managed to jump successfully although some hestitate for a while, prefering to let others go first before they become the last ones to go... i thought it would be scary looking down from the top but it doesnt look so far away from the water...
the moment i hit the waters, i felt a pain in my asshole... like kena ass fucked like that, super sensation! almost everyone also have the same experience with me, everyone climb out of the swimming pool, the first thing they do is to clutch their ass moaning away... lol, dun understand whats so nice being gay when its so painful being screwed from the back...
they say u wun know ur sexual orientation until u enter NS becos thats the time when u get to see a lot of guys naked daily... i admit that was quite true, spent my time observing ppl butts while in bmt and ogling at the divers during my stay at the navy... but i knew i was straight the moment i saw my officer and of course that jump... the officer in charge of us was female... she dun look her age, looks like in her early thirties when she is actually in her mid twenties... gers all like to hear ppl comment about their age being younger than they really are by appearance... cos it makes them feel young n happy ba... so duno how many times she has been pissed off la since almost everyone in my batch thinks she is 30 something...
why would i become straight when i meet a lady who looks so old? maybe shes different from the rest of the gers, womanly yet unwomanly at the same time... duno how to explain in depth la, she seems to know a man's mindset very well... she knows what men want and what men usually discuss about, and the biggest plus is shes quite open-minded... like the time when we went for fitting of clothes, telling us no need to go and wait for ppl to come out of changing room, can change right outside in front of her... and the way she speaks her english is so cute, i thought i only like gers who speak english with elegance but gers who cant speak english properly also quite fascinating sia... everyone is making fun of her whenever she says the word "problem"... cant be blame esp when she uses that "problem" word way too often... even her name also very cute sia, like those small mei mei names pattern 1...
actually the pain we experienced on the asshole cant be compared to one guy who didnt hit the water with his butt... he landed forward instead of backwards so his front body very chio, red red all over... and we were praying for his balls hoping it wun crack after what the impact has done to our butts...
word of advice for all potential gays out there, dun become 1 la, if u really like guys so much, then at the very least u should be the one making ppl feel the pain instead of the opposite =X
8:02 PM
December 14, 2004 COLOURED.
first day nothing to do... 2nd day make me sweat like never b4!!!
the instructors gave us the NDU version of physical training and all of us are shagged early in the morning... very long never sweat until like pig like that during physical training sia... bmt excercises really too little variety liao... then everyone now all super siansation becos they thought navy would be quite slack... end up give us this training... but the old birds say this one is once in a while then will tio one, most of the time is really spent on expanding waist line...
too long never do excercises, everyone all nua nua, and that training is only a teeny weeny bit of wat the NDU guys are doing... so u know la, those NDU ppl is super fit manz, respect! today never got the chance to swim swim leh, was busy trying out the sizes of my new stores, only half of the group was swimming... i scared their swimming test sia, must wear clothes swim and then take off inside the water, sounds hard loh... never received professional swimming lessons b4 so those survival swimming all that i dunno 1... see how la, think i am not the only one who will have problems...
10:10 PM
December 13, 2004 COLOURED.
first day today at navy.... and i think life is going to get interesting as days go by... lol see everyone so bwah long long taking their own sweet time seems funny... even though now no rank but then we already start to behave like sergeants like that, all lan lan do this do that... lol but its still early days yet la... today also never really do anything... tml start SWIMMING liao, YESHHHH!
11:17 PM
December 12, 2004 COLOURED.
 my record of the year!
Franz Ferdinand - Franz Ferdinand (Domino)
release date: 9 February 2004
1. Jacqueline
2. Tell Her Tonight
3. Take Me Out
4. Matinee
5. Auf Acshe
6. Cheating On You
7. This Fire
8. Darts Of Pleasure
9. Michael
10. Come On Home
11. 40 ft
forget abt U2, they are not the greatest band, and their latest album is nothing to crow about... franz ferdinand is the new band to reckon with... pity i only picked it up last week after reading magazine reviews... didnt know they are that big in the UK... sg really should stop playing black music and start flooding the airwaves with franz ferdinand's songs
3:25 PM
my life... as i know it
no la, not boa... its me...
knowing me for 1 year or 2 years or even 10 years is not going to make a difference... you might know whats my characteristics but you never know what i am thinking... maybe u can find some explanations as to why i am like this or like that or like this and like that at the same time sometimes, once in a while time, everytime...
was borned 21 Oct 1984 at the same hospital which most sg babies were... KK Hospital... cant remember if its was morning or afternoon or night... just born how u even remember u are born sia, like the moment u pop out u already know ur name ur ic number all that meh... but my birth cert states its at 0924hrs... prematured... i love to emphasized on that word... it is a good excuse for explaining why i was small size last time... another main reason was if i came out at my expected date... i would have been a scorpio for sure...
i always thought being a libra sucks... i mean the rest of the signs are all either humans or animals and libras is the only non living thing... and libras really cant make up their minds... my favorite words are "duno duno" and "anything loh", so i can be described as some green vegetable(chin chye) person who seems to have no problems with any suggestions whatsoever... actually sometimes i do have my reservations about their so-called "good" ideas, but most of the time i just sit back and watch them execute their plan... the answer is simple, i dun like to argue with people... becos i know i always lose in arguments even though i may be right... so i prefer to save time by watching them do what they thought was right... then after some time of fiddling around, they realised they were wrong... i will act "oh lets try another way loh" while inside i will be like "c la c la, act smart fail liao la"...
cant remember the early years of my life really... no one remembers what they did on their first day one wat... give them something to say for the first 365days they spent on earth they also cant think of any unless got some video taping la... then can see crawling around, crying, having ur underwear changed in front of the cameras, shooting porn back in the heydays when u are young and really oblivious to how bad the world really is... i mean do u see movies with scenes of people bathing without any blurred glass or shower screen or whatever cover they have got...
[My Take on Porn]
home videos are porn videos... why? becos it has a tape specially labelled "baby's first bath"... a porn tape is one with all the sex n no storyline... a nude movie is one with nude ppl with storyline... a tape titled "baby's first bath" showing a baby being bathed throughout the whole tape is the one with the nudity and no storyline... it is pointed out that some additional hands other than the baby's own was touching the baby's body... hence we can safely come to the conclusion that home videos are really porn and parents should be arrested for being child paedophiles... they are just acting to be doting parents when in fact they feel very aroused touching them... laws on babies bathing on their own should be passed asap...
[Me and my Snoopy]
i dun really know the details to be honest... but what my mother says, i believe... snoopy was given to me on my month old celebration or something... it was still a he then... later on he starts to become a she when instead of wearing shirts, he (or she whichever u prefer) started wearing blouses, dresses which my mother made specially for lovely snoopy... so from being handsome to getting prettier by the day... thats how snoopy has a female voice... yesh, snoopy does talk ok, so do all the soft toys in my room... thank goodness i duno how to talk when i was born, otherwise snoopy would sound extremely gay now...
all i can remember up to my days of kindergarten was i am quite a frequent bed wetter... not becos of stress or what, at night i just cant seem to differentiate between urine in dreams and urinating for real... i was quite a slow learner... only learned how to walk at the age of 2 when the rest are already starting to do it at 1... according to my mother i was happily crawling around at 1 and not fond of walking at all... that explains my weak legs during childhood...
life in kindergarten was pretty forgetful becos i cant remember any special incidents... all i know is i love the playground alot... nothing brightens up my day like the playground does... like the slides, extremely hate the swings... always want to cry whenever they put me on a swing... love the bulldozers too, dun ask me why, i like watching them at work, always look very real to me, like humans like that... heck even my young cousin also likes to watch the bulldozers...
and i was scared of gorillas after seeing some pictures of them... my mind tells me gorillas are hiding inside the storeroom then i die die dun wan to go inside when my mother told me to get something from there... GOT GORILLA LA... and she thought i was crazy... scared of gorillas yet like dinosaurs... maybe i am crazy...
hated going to primary school on the first day... i guess every kid hates going to school... some were crying, some were busy finding their parents, some were busy making fun of the crybabies... me i was just waiting for the bell to ring... watching the parents worry so much is my first experience on how kiasu we really are... then still got the body checkup... the nurse say there was something wrong with my body la... you wun know what that bloody problem is unless u are super duper close to me... the injections was pretty... interesting... most were crying, some wanted more injections... im just glad mine was over...
throughout my primary school i didnt eat proper meals during recess, always spending whatever money on biscuits or fish balls or hot dogs or cheap ice-cream... explains why i was thin then, got fast food i only eat the fires and the nuggets... never touched the burgers until i was in secondary school (FACT)... i wasnt given sufficient money for proper meals in reality, always saved a few cents for the seaweed on my way home... =D
life in primary school was kinda fun... playing catching and pepsi cola 123 almost everyday with 3 other guys... got a lot of bruises and cuts on my legs becos of the excessive running... falling down seems to be normal back then... other than all the running, we were having fun at the ecogarden, and looking at tadpoles from puddles of water around... now look around for tadpole so hard to find, last time any puddle of water sure got eggs n tadpoles...
ecogarden was fun becos the chicken is fun, give chicken anything to eat, chicken oso eat... eat grass, eat flower, eat whatever things we can find in the ecogarden... no wonder the chickens always die fast in our school... and the lovely pond... always arguing among ourselves abt the insects on the surface on the water... some say it was the pondskaters, some say its water spiders, some say its the water boatman... that was during the early years when the teachers made some efforts to bring the ecogarden to life... but i think they soon got sick of chickens and rabbits dying fast, the pond started to have no life anymore (no more living things can be seen on the pond), the flowers all uprooted... that is when school started to get boring, ok except for 1 incident i always remember...
[The Pond Incident]
following the death of the ecogarden, we still go there for fun, searching hard for any signs of life coming out from the muddy waters of the pond... we were looking at the pond and wonder how deep it really was... it just so happened there was a action babi guy down there who for no reason says its not very deep la... and to make his point, he put his hand inside the muddy waters and reached downwards, hoping to touch the bottom... i think he was the only one who dun mind his hands getting dirtied or what... so he reached but he couldnt touch the bottom, so he leaned closer and closer until his centre of gravity shifted towards the direction of the pond and you know what happen la, people heard a loud splash and i see a muddied boy... i can never forget the way he fell so nicely into the pond la, it was so picture perfect... but i never figured out what he was trying to show by placing his arm into the waters... all he got was people laughing at him and he had to go changed new uniform... like cock like that...
i told my mother i like someone on my first year of primary school, but that someone changed to another one soon... and it was pretty fortunate that we managed to be in the same class throughout the 6 years, yet we never spoke a word to each other... a fatty used to fight with me over her, and he was making claims which sounded funny now... i saw the fatty again during my poly years, looked the same as ever, fat n bald... pretty typical of a rich man's son eh... my class has a lot of the childish love triangles, squares, hexagons all that... basically we dun hold back when asked who we like... so the whole class knows u like her and he like her the stuff... it was good becos the whole class will help to set a guy n a ger together... it was fun, but no so fun when u are the one being set up ---- i was made to sit with her for 1 whole year... during that year u can say i was smiling happily throughout but there was a minor problem la... we are still not talking....
[The Call]
the teacher called someone in our class and wanted us to pass on the message abt sth... i would have expected my 2 great malay friends to call but then it was her loh... the cat call caught me by surprise... i can hear my own heart beating just by hearing her voice... so far hor, i can onli hear my own heart beating in front of loud speaker systems nia... so she must be some 7.1 surround sound system ba...
rewind rewind rewind to primary 2...
[Crying Publicly]
was a quiet person throughout school la, only made few friends here n there only, not alot... studies was okay, not say very hard leh... then seldom make mistakes no need to do corrections.... then the primary 2 stupiud maths teacher... workbook got 1 mistake then have to do correction... dun know how to do correction properly then kena scolded... do nice nice liao then say why use the paper so small, use bigger one la... first time being told off so jialat sey, end up got tears coming out from my eyes... and i grew to hate her, because she's the one who scolded me... lame right, when u are young, u are that lame la...
moving on to primary 3...
[Early Signs of a Sinner]
got really good at maths because maths seems so easy... only have a few problems with division but other than that the rest was perfect... and my maths test for that year i got full marks for it... perhaps the only paper in my history i scored full marks... actually it wasnt perfect... when the teacher went through with the answers, one of my answers is wrong but kena marked right... i never notice it la, when u get full marks u wun give a shit right... it was some kuku friend of mine who want to see which questions he got wrong when he found out the human error... he told me about it and i say later i will go and tell the teacher abt it loh... so i did what i am supposed to do, hand up the papers without informing the teacher of the error... see so young already so bad liao right... integrity counts for nothing in this world la...
[The Eraser Fights]
during lessons u are not supposed to talk, so what can u do? play with erasers with the one sitting beside u loh... dunno how many erasers i accumulated over the years just by peering down at the floor, see any eraser i just take and go play with my friend liao...
[Changed Identity]
i was known by my chinese name during the first 3 yrs and i dun really have any problems with it... ppl only started to know my english name at the 4th yr when my form teacher was an indian and she cant pronounce chinese names properly la... i kinda flourished under her becos i get the most attention from her mainly for 2 reasons... suffered from chickenpox tt yr and was missing 2 weeks of sch... then my studies suffered la, esp maths when they were learning fractions... another reason was just b4 the 4th yr i have an operation that changed the way i am supposed to be... learn alot under her and got to represent the class for maths quizzes and shit... win 2nd prize for the first quiz and got 1st for mental sum competition... my only achievements worth boasting about really...
[Jokers are Born n Bred]
i guess everyone has a funny side in them, they just need someone to help them unlock the funniness inside of them... i met mine in primary 5... ommar n amin... already knew ommar since pri 2 and he was quite fun to be with... but it wasnt until pri 5 when we got closer together with amin... we joked our remaining time away... talking and laughing over the phone for hours like he was my girlfriemd... the only difference is no mushy mushy was exchanged... we are the tripod, always using each other to self motivate, see who has the highest test scores, see who can run the fastest... and amin always wins... it was just ommar n me competing amongst each other while he was in his own league...
then the good old days were gone and we have to go to new secondary schools... ommar n i went to swiss while amin got that commonwealth... the cat got to commonwealth too... then too bad la, not in the same class and i was lonely again...
[Start of Something BitterSweet]
secondary schools are dumb becos they require u to have at least an ECA, they just want to keep u during saturdays... seeing that being a scout during primary sch was cool, i wanted to be one too in secondary school... (i wasnt a scout in pri sch, i was in the arts club which is very WTF)... after going thru the orientation phase, i realised being a scout in the secondary school was quite childish... wanted to join NCC but swiss is so extra NCC is air one, dun have land... i thought a green uniform was pretty cool then... so with no ECA to join, i find my ommar la, he joining the NPCC, i dun realli like la, but i just sign my name there becos theres no other ECA liao... little did i realise i have joined the gang of crazy people...
[The Life of Being a Nerd n Styled Armani]
its cool becos no one will bother u since --- u are a nerd... but still got make some friends here and there la... although majority is those who joined the npcc as well... it wasnt until sec 4 when i cut my hair to the then common armani cum spiky hairdo that i realised some juniors actually know who i am... shit, sometimes walk past lower sec ppl then they are like crying for help from some guy bully... i dun even know who are they and yet they know my name, wtf... but those are the days of being cool...
[Life in NPCC]
when training starts getting unreasonable, people starts going crazy... i wasnt really a part of them being the fact that i join just becos there is no other ECA liao... only became crazy in sec 3 when everyone else in the squad is crazy liao except for me... it was fun singing all the stupid songs and the song abt the St Johns... doing drills like birdshit, polishing boots like ur life is depending on it, seasoning the beret until u develop sleeping problems... doing more pushups than wat u will receive during ur national service... life is fucked, but we always look forward to the end of the training where we get to play soccer and curse the trainers... its funny thinking how i joined NPCC reluctantly and ended up staying for 4 years while ommar left in the middle due to poor attendance... duno wat happen to him la, he wasnt too keen on studies anymore in secondary schools and his grades dropped... not sure what happened to him afterwards...
[Music is Life]
always listened to perfect 10 last time, know the pop songs with occasional some rock... liked oasis's some might say and green day's basket case... started to list oasis as favorite band after listening to their songs over n over... ventured into metal after meeting clarence the funny guy... sooon i started listening to slipknot and the rest... then jpop invasion hit us in 2000 and i was hooked on globe's departures... that song is still worth listening to today... but i guess the one big hit song which got more n more ppl into jpop was do as infinity's yesterday and today... together with careful advertising n timing, jpop fever has officially hit singapore... u know it when my japanese albums outnumber the english ones... and techno n trance came in later when someone start playing those so often in school that everyone was influenced...
secondary school was pretty forgetful, dun have any close friends really... after the O levels, i was deem good enough to go for the low end junior colleges... but i didnt join the crowd, i opted for a polytechnic... my parents are bemused by my decision but i think i made a good choice... im too slack for jc studies la, seeing how stressed my peers are while i was slacking away in poly is a pretty good feeling...
first started working after my o levels... working is really damn no life, wake up, eat, go work, come back, sleep... this routine carried on for 4 months... for the money for the money, its all about the money, who cares abt the treatment or no day off whatever... i worked enough during the 4months to pay for my poly studies... it was my proud moment in a way ba, the rest are paying through their parents while i am footing my own bills... one reason why i hated studying was the obscene cost... somemore it was after the government subsidisation... why are we paying so much for such fucked up lecturers who cant even speak English properly n clearly without any kuku accent...
got my piercings after my Os... c i am a good boy okay... i dun do thing illegally one loh, i am a law-abiding citizen... and i am not so lame to put fake ones to show off... pierced 2 at first but then close back soon enuf becos duno how to handle it properly... then 2nd time go back pierce i go pierce 4... long liao tink 4 looks weird then go and add another 2 more to the current 6...
started life anew in poly with no sec sch classmates doing the same course as me... harder to make new friends in poly becos CCA not compulsory ma, then lazy to join la, join liao must always stay very late in school to interact interact... quite fun la, but i dun like being in crowds la, i prefer solitude... so my only friends are those in my class one loh...
in poly, there was only one sport... and that is basketball, no one plays soccer at all leh, so many play basketball... end up all sian sian look at ppl play basketball, sometimes join them just to make the numbers only la, duno how to play just anyhow throw and made to look like idiots...
my mantra in poly was, the school fees is not for the lectures u attended, its for the network speed u are getting... ever since they have installed the cd writers to their workstations, i have been visiting the free access centres quite frequently... because last time i was still on dialup ma, so use the school internet to dl this, dl that on a writeable cd bring back home copy over... i cant be bothered with studies, attending lectures is just for attendance sake... the notes can always be downloaded online...
then there was the irc la... the usual u bluff me, i bluff you... it was fine as long as we dun meet and everyone was talking big, seeing who can brag until too fake... never believed in irc outings until i decided to go for one since one of them is just the one next class to me, might as well go together to test the waters... so there was when uchu sano n i and the rest met...
after finishing all the studies and going for attachment where i met a guy which drives everyone crazy including his own boss... not the type who is strikingly handsome or wat, is the type whose mannerism and actions can make someone jump from the raffles hotel... was my supervisor by name only, in reality it was his subordinate in charge of me which makes my life so much easier... it was quite formal initially, but once the ice has been broken, it became a u-help-me-i-help-u situation... so i was doing her work behind the boss's back while she was covering for me... in exchange for that, i got an A for my attachment.... =D hmm i oso did something for the company la, otherwise got nothing to show for the boss theres no way can get A 1 la...
and i guess u know by now what happened after that attachment to the day i got enlisted... slacking like mad, going running swimming n working out... my only regret was why i wasnt introduced to maplestory, i swear my level would have been very high by now...
going ns was an eye opener la, didnt get to like it as much as i would like to... got mild depression after the field camp... all the talk about platoon integrity is pretty bullshit la, individual section always keep things to themselves... passing of information always got problems... even section alone also got problems... selfish people everywhere, i am also abit selfish la to be honest... not a nice experience la, thats y i joined the navy... lol
erm sorry if its pretty long, i already shorten alot liao, especially the sec sch part onwards... thats y u see like abit unclear one...
3:16 PM
December 11, 2004 COLOURED.
the wonders of the panlid...
after playing maple story for quite a while, if you go channel 1 to buy some rare stuff from other players, you will find quite a lot are looking to buy panlids... there is freaking a lot of demand for it and it got to my curiosity... asked my friend whos a magician and he said its just a shield... i thought what can sell so expensive, then the stats must be very nice nice with + to many many things...
but something is wrong la, i checked the players' panlids... minimum requirement is only level 10, which means any kuku oso can wear loh... did more searching around the internet and realised something... it really is a crap item... WTF is ppl paying so much money for a +10 weapon defense... by expensive i mean they sell for at least 250k onwards for a +8, a +12 got ppl price it at 1.2million??? lol machiam like 100k for +1 defense... reallly crazy people those magicians...
how expensive is expensive?? say i can get a lvl 35 warrior one hand sword for 60k (average), a lvl35 warrrior shield for ard 100k+... ok, maybe the shield is only around 1/10 of the panlid's price... but a lvl35warrior shield has +35 def loh... if use the panlid to calculate, it would have cost like what? 4million? LOL totally insane la these people...
thats y i hate magicians in maple story, all no brain 1, what for get some stupid shield which offers virtually little or no protection at all for so much money... so the money eyes of mine will be hunting for the green mushrooms soon... they say only green shrooms drop panlids... once i have a high enuf defense i shall go chiong panlids liao... they say it is very hard for the shrooms to drop, thats why its so in demand... but hey, i restart playing until now lvl24, my money in total onli 200k+... imagine just getting one panlid is equivalent to the amount of mesos u have been picking off the ground for like 24 levels... maybe i should stop training and focus more on money making and trading...
1:09 PM
December 10, 2004 COLOURED.
its official! i am no longer with the army!~~~~~ YEAAAAAAHHHHHH
switching over to navy from next monday... yea i decided to sign with the navy... no more field camp, no more SOC, no more camo on camo off, no more freaking idiotic kevlar helmet and equally dumb looking SBO... everything goes into plan smoothly just the way i wanted it...
while others may think its dumb to be bounded for so long and a waste of time and no freedom bla bla bla bla bla... i dun have any problems with it actually becos of the fact that i dun have any plans at all after my national service... i dun intend to study and i know finding a job will be quite hard since what im studying will always be evolving... might as well start earning money like shit at this age instead of having to wait til what, 23, or 24 yrs old... the more money u saved earlier, the faster can retire and relac one corner...
and i can honestly say what im getting is way better than what i can get outside, maybe even better than some university graduates... thats the advantage of the civl service la, we always love to complain abt the government and now i am working for them liao...
life definitely wun be smooth sailing after crossing over to the navy... but lets just say it has given me renewed life.... just the thought of no more field camp makes me get excited... confirm still have to bear with the unreasonable scoldings, punishments, tasks and stuff... but heck, just endure with it and get the pay... u cant say the same while u are back at the mozzie infested island earning peanuts...
my cousin made quite an important pt about giving up 1 year of hardship in exchange for 10 years of suffering... to me, the years dun really matter at all... finish my service fast, no idea what to do after that... work as some salesman or office boy or just slack until bankrupt... might as well make full use of my time learning something new which might be useful in future...
9:31 PM
December 09, 2004 COLOURED.
 the amount of slimes i have killed... (note the sapphire n orihalcon ores) no wonder my nose so many slimes.... retribution
12:51 PM
 the axes, blue shorts n red skirts n white bandanas i got it from the slimes :D
12:50 PM
December 07, 2004 COLOURED.
i wun talk about what happened during my last week at tekong, saving all that stuff for next time when im better... what i will rant about is what happened right after my graduation parade... and it wasnt something very pleasant la... been having fever since friday until now loh...
everyone knows when u got fever, u start to feel very hot yet very cold at the same time right... so after that parade ended and i left for home with my father on the mrt... the super duper long 1 hour journey, and for no reason why the aircon seems freezingly cold, my smart 4 is wet from the sweating earlier on under the hot sun... add them up and u get a penguin wearing camoflauge clothes... once i reach home, my whole body feels like sahara desert liao... red skin dry and very hot...
eat panadol liao which made the fever subside a little but it came back soon enough... it has been going on for saturday, sunday, monday and today... the temperature has been hovering ard 37.5 n 38 onwards yet i didnt feel i am that hot leh, i thought quite normal temperature what when i feel my forehead... others feel all say very hot, must be my whole body hot then i use what to feel also will feel normal to me la... :X
the psat few days cant be compared to today la, today super power... went for navy interview in the morning, they said its a very fast and chop chop thing... what they never say was how "FAST" and how "CHOP CHOP" it was going to be... from 830 in the morning all the way until 530 in the evening... i thought the most it was just going to last 1 hour like that then can go and c doctor and play maplestory liao... i spent my time down there like working office hours like that... and their aircon over there is POWER... usually a small room only got 1 aircon right, they not happy go and add 1 more... somemore they turn on both of the aircons... i really duno how they can tahan the north pole temperatures... they are in their short sleeve uniforms, the gers are wearing even lesser than the guys (with their cardigans la)... recruitment centres really very evil, hire nice looking girls to recuit hot blooded males to join one... only the army brainless, hire the gers all have to wear the no4 look very gross and sluttish...
after spending about 9 hrs in the north pole, i came out with cough, flu and more fever... the worst is the flu, my nose becomes this sludge producer where my slime never seems to finish... and my eyeballs felt as heavy as lydia sum, wanting to close my eyes so often but cannot becos wait they say i not attentive then dun offer me contract...
finally i got to see the doctor liao, and i am abit scared by his actions leh... ppl are quite smart eh, they see any boy boy skin dark dark, botak botak, and wearing plastic framed glasses all know cfm is CHAO RECRUIT... the doctor like very gay like that... once i told him my problems he asked me to lift up my shirt for that stethoscope la, you could see the way he grinned when he was asking that question... very EEEEEEEEEe... so he gave me a few moments of feeling high by placing that stone cold stethoscope on my body... u know la, when ur body is very hot and touches something that is cold, that sensation makes u wanna moan or something like that? u know what i mean la... after tt one finish he keep asking me i got any more things to tell him or not... i said no then he ask me again.... i said no again and then he go and ask me again... i said no again and he say confirm no more things to bring up ah then he finally let me off... just what is he trying to do man, nothing means nothing la, what do u expect, want me to declare that i am gay and i have the hots for u ah thats why i got fever... -___-``
but that doctor really is someone... i am a pro cougher since oct 2003 til now and been visiting the same clinic every now and then yet somehow the doctors i saw are always different... the rest of the doctors never bother to read my history when i told them im coughing... but when i told this doctor i got flu cough n fever, he straightaway ask me i smoke a lot ah... i was a bit caught by surprise there la, i mean flu cough n fever is common and nobody wouldnt suspect anything else... but the question he asked goes to show he actually looked at my medical history records... usually i go clinic only once or twice a year for the usual fever... but for this clinic i have been visiting them quite often liao... and i think all of them is for cough related stuff... only twice including today is for fever... imagine how much money they have made out of me if every trip costs me at least $35... i ought to apply for some clinic member card liao...
oh yea, 1 more thing... MY SONGS ALL GONE!!! WWTFFFFFFF
10:18 PM
hello, i am F.Lee
Random Ramblings
Was a active blogger with some following in the past. now im back to blogging again for the world to listen to what i have to say almost about anything under the sky. some say im witty some say im bitchy but i am just a quiet and shy introvert with a different perspective from the rest. takes a long time to warm up to people but once i do, its hard to get rid of me. =D
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Coloured @March 2011